Category: Art

  • LotR


    The new Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring theatrical trailer is out. This movie promises to surpass all of the dumbing down fantasy has done to movie audiences everywhere. Willow is probably my favorite fantasy move of all time with The Dark Crystala close second. Going to be a good Christmas! Found a pretty nifty…

  • Michael Whelan


    Some time ago I found the web site of Michael Whelan one of my favorite artists. Still thinking about getting that autographed copy of “Passage: Verde”.

  • All the hard work on the Politics & the Web Survey hopefully is over. It is a REALLY long survey at 192 responses or so. The survey changes on Election Day. Don’t fill it out more than once (or at least use different email addresses, computers, or far apart times to disquise that you did). Mom…