First Douglas Adams, now Poul Anderson. Some of the most reknown Science Fiction writers are passing left and right. *sigh* Means they will publish commerative collections of their works that I will have to buy.
The 4th was kewl… Chris, Annon, Melinda, and Edrick cooked. Probably a dozen plus there and hardly a dent in the food. Plan is to make another dent in it at lunch today. Looks to be fun. Finally got the hard drive for the 233 Mhz MMX, 64 MB RAM computer my brother gave up.…
I keep forgot summer is the busy season for college students. You know… vacations, moving, partying, etc. This even frequently includes those who have graduated only within a year. How can I, one only 2 years graduated, forget this? – – – – – AÂ report on the exchange of films online. Such as films making…
Almost time to go home. Just tidy up a few lose ends. Afshin is a gifted musician to which I have had the opportunity to listen a few times.
No one else in the office so I am listening to Crystal Method & Garbage “I Think I’m Crystalized”. Oldie but goldie…
The movie adaptation of this book, Nausicaa of the Valley of the Winds turned me on to Anime back when almost everyone thought cartoons are only for kids. Of course I was 9 when I first saw so… 🙂 Who else beside obviously pimply-faced, glasses-wearing, SuperNerdz would know who Jeri Ryan is? Not that I am saying that…
“…there is an art to flying…or rather a knack. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.” Douglas Adams, Life, the Universe and Everything
It is good to see SOMEÂ people being creative.
Along Came A Spider was pretty good. However, I have been a pretty big fan of mystery movies lately. Think that I caught that the scenes of foreshadowing were pretty significant, but I didn’t really put together why until too late in the movie. Any movie that keeps me in the dark like that really…