Category: Art

  • Got the Macadoo picture for Mac. Will drop the film off for developing this afternoon. Have to pick up the roll from last week. Why is it that the cover artist is so difficult to find on a book? You have to know to flip inside the cover and scan the credits page to even…

  • Hmmmmmmm… got some new DVDs to watch. Stuff I already had on VHS already: 5th Element, Tombstone, and Wrath of Khan. This brings my DVD collection to 61 titles. Have never thought of myself as a PC repair person. I have done some stuff on my own home and office computers. Assisted Andrew Otapski with some stuff. He really…

  • Lacey: auto-archiving here [Pitas] would be cool. Over at LiveJournal they show the most recent 25 and give you the option to view older. (answered you here if only to make you read my Pita more) Just when I thought the WebCT Rush of 2001 was over…. maybe next week? *sigh* Too many movies open this week… Jay…

  • If the Beatles were geeks: Yesterday, Yesterday, All those backups seemed a waste of pay. Now my database has gone away. Oh I believe in yesterday.Suddenly, There’s not half the files there used to be, And there’s a milestone hanging over me. The system crashed so suddenly. I pushed something wrong What it was I…

  • Atlanta Bread Company was good. Now… just need to have a nap before going back to work, right?

  • One of the great things about books is sometimes there are some fantastic pictures. –George W. Bush

  • Wonder who will be “the next big thing” in online Music? Napster is dead. I’ve heard good things about AudioGalaxy and iMesh. I’ve had some good experiences with Morpheus. Maybe there are just too many options? You almost have to have your finger on the pulse of the activity in order to find the good stuff. Back when Napster…

  • Three weeks ago, my grandmother was in London. She never drives her car faster than 35 so I took it out on the highway to get the carborator to burn off some buildup. Took the long way to Tally, but when I got there I spent an couple hours at Governor’s Square Mall. Found the…

  • Got the Zip drive working at home. Now maybe I should look to get some network cards and an ethernet cable… could get both my 233 and my 66 connected and transfer files. Probably something I should do before wiping either machine? At work I should install the SCSI card and the CDR. Then I…