Category: Art

  • Had lunch with Cat, Dusty, Tamara, and Leti. Was very good to see them all again. Sharon was in and out since she technically was working. Right now I am listening to the new Essential Mix with Paul Jackson. I really enjoyed last week’s with Ashley Casselle. Oh, I seriously doubt that A Feast for Crows from the…

  • Last night watched a few Kevin Smith movies. My bro and I were supposed to have a Star Wars marathon. All 4 of the movies back-to-back. We still have time, I guess. Think I have contributed my part to LOTR: The Fellowship Of The Ring‘s opening. I have watched it 3 times and spent a…

  • Got a suit, a 20 GB hard drive, and couple history books on our trip down to Tally today. Resisted spending a lot of money. Got a great break on the suit. Apparently Ultra ATA and ATAPI are not compatible. Hopefully I can acquire an adapter. I got A History Of The Arab Peoples and…

  • Day After Christmas: When you get to kick back and attempt to understand what happened on Christmas. Watched Gallipoli and The Jackal on VHS (my DVD player is at mom’s from the incompleted Robotech marathon). Played lots of Perfect Dark, beating levels with simulant assistants. Found myself working on a list of favorites to publish…

  • In the middle of the Macross Saga marathon at my mom’s. No email is good. No Internet (up to now). Lovin it. My brother thinks I have a lot of CDs… tell me what you think!

  • Morpheus… Morpheus… Morpheus… 17 more minutes. Merry Christmas! See you next year!  

  • Less than hour til we leave to go to Tally for LOTR. wiiii!!!!!  

  • Another lamer graduates today… Andy will be a college graduate. This is great… download the internet! Tomorrow will be a good day. No, I am not talking about the office Christmas party. That will be kewl… the good part will be the ending of the anticipation about LOTR The secret of Tolkien’s ‘Rings’ (CNN) I’ve gotten dumber… Congratulations,…

  • Pics to Scan


    Have some pics of family and stuff my mom wants scanned. Should have something online pretty soon. Have already resized the 35 MB of pictures to a more realistic 612 KB. Still have to link them to HTML pages with names and make thumbnails. Should cheat, but I would rather do it right.