No, I didn’t bid on the Lara Croft dress. Out of my price range at $3300 :(Â (really 2200 pounds, the exchange fluxuated between 1.4 and 1.6 dollars/pound, so about $3300). Ran into the president of the uni this morning. Great guy. I think he is exactly what this institution needs. I did get my birthday…
Ghost in the Shell is still awesome the fourth time through. Also watched Leon the Professional (uncut) for the third time and Memento for the first time. Really enjoyed them. Did not go anywhere special or get involved in stupid sh*t. Just a nice weekend kicked back enjoying my DVDs.
All I have to do is avoid the country hog song tonight, and I am all set. Ordered a bunch of DVDs. I wanted to so there! Started to update my movie list again. Figure I am well on my way to 600 titles. My coworkers and I need to figure out a way to…
Has been a pretty good weekend. Went to see Death to Smoochie Friday night. Really enjoyed it. Also on the movie front, I just got out of the new Barry Sonnenfeld: Big Trouble. I’ve never laughed so hard in a movie. The anime party was fun. We only watched to movies though, Jin-Roh (good) and BioHunter (ack). Got my…
I did go to the Suwannee Ren Fair. I bought a dagger whose decoration appears to me to be inspired by art from the subcontinent. I think it is rather kewl. No, I will not cut myself. I am not that clumsy around sharp object. I do want a couple a katana/wakisashi pair, a claymore,…
It has been a long week. Thankfully the weekend is nigh. Thinking about going to the Ren Fair nearby tomorrow. This is the last weekend for it. Tomorrow is an Anime party. Some good blood, guts, and explosions I hope. Looking back, my own anime collection is quite pathetic. Will have to rectify the situation.…
Had a ton of fun in London and Paris. Got to see lots of castles, henges, and sights. I loved being over there. Traveling is great period. Being some place where there is so much history and stuff to see felt invigorating. Today is the Yearly Internet Cleanup! UPDATE 2011-APR-10: The whole England, Chepstow, and…
Even the Chinese beat Columbus and Magellan. Zhang He sailed around the world about 1421 according to historian Menzies. I will have to pick up his book when it is published. I’ve never been a fan of Columbus Day. I think the Norse beat him across the Atlantic centuries earlier.
A while back I was listening to a show on journal keeping. Some of the guests were concerned that people who keep an electronic journal might lose those precious memories fairly easily. While I agree that it is much easier to lose things on the computer it is also easy to lose a paper journal…