Category: Art

  • Took forever, but I have the England, Chepstow, Paris 2002 pictures online…

  • Watched my first DVD with commentary: Braveheart. Usually I am too interested in seeing the movie to want to listen to the commentary (and not goint to watch it twice in a row). This is a movie I know well… have seen it at least a dozen times between the theatre and video. So to…

  • Local: School sanctions students for cheating and turns around and makes the class “collaborative”. So because students were collaborating prior to it being legit they get 0s or suspensions. Seems a little bogus to punish students who were collaborating even prior to the change in the rules. You’ve recognized that the students need to collaborate. |…

  • Got another project. Setting up a web server with database for the Physics; deptartment. This will be for showing fossils. It will include pictures (maybe VR rotating images later) and descriptions. Sounds like an impressive site. Got to see the planned entry. Imagine button images of the various periods. Click on the button and you see…

  • Ready to hit 4000 viistors. WTF? Guy steals $1.4 billion in paintings cause he is a klepto. Leaves them with mom who destroys them at the first sign of trouble. Your Stolen Art? I Threw It Away, Dear — NYTimes (requires login, easy and free signup).  

  • World: Like any Presidential Administration is going to allow papers that could show how they do things or that they might have been negligent to see the light of day. Lawmakers seek top-secret papers — MSNBC Entertainment: Lots and lots to see this summer. *sigh* Spinning out the summer movies — MSNBC  

  • Saw Attack of the Clones last night. You have not seen it yet? What are you thinking? Run to the movie theatre right now! Move it! Or just buy them online. Either way, you are dead to me until you have seen this movie. Yahoo! News – Fans Rejoice Over ‘Star Wars’ Debut

  • World News: Even Middle East countries have problems with plane hijackings.Yahoo! News – Security Agents Foil Iranian Hijacking There was a thing Friday on CNN about Chinese soldiers attempting to stop people from entering an embassy. Pretty scary. Wonder what they know or did? Yahoo! News – Two North Koreans enter Canada’s embassy in China Internet:…

  • Science & Technology News: Yahoo! News – Archaeologists Unearth Base of Egypt Queen Pyramid Business There could be 1.1 million jobs created over the next year. Yahoo! News – Information Technology Work Force Set to Grow Really… these days notebooks are actually decent. You can do quite a bit of stuff of them. Yahoo! News – Notebooks…