Category: Art

  • 7/24 The Bourne Supremacy – decent action flick with yet more car chases, running, shooting, and twists. Not so much a you have to see, but see it if you like that kind of thing. Unbreakable – guess I wanted a M. Night Shymalan fix before The Village opens? Whale Rider – interesting story, but…

  • A local school has banned teeshirts with “ethnic” messages. Does that mean that sports team jerseys like for the Indians or the Braves are now banned? Probably not.  

  • 6 Pairs


    Thought I would get some work done today. Has not happened yet. Did actually clean out my Inbox so Monday morning will not be as dreadful. Apparently, I am not really into shoes. I have 6 pair total (bought my 6th pair this afternoon). Of those 6, 3 were purchased by my father for me…

  • The one thing I would like to see in computer products is reliability. Having tried my hand at some programming, I know how difficult it is to get there. A new feature? No! Make it work first! Before I forget… What exactly is the difference between an oxford and a broadcloth? Think I have an idea, but it…

  • Know what I forgot… It is on! Already pre-ordered. A Feast for Crows (A Song of Ice and Fire, Book 4) by George R. R. Martin see larger photo List Price: $27.95 Price: $19.57 & eligible for FREE Super Saver Shipping on orders over $25. See details.  You Save: $8.38 (30%) Availability: This item will be released in April 2003.…

  • LOTR: The Two Towers rocks! I’ve only seen it x2 so far. Probably will catch it again a day or two before I return to regularly scheduled work. Surprisingly, I have not seen a lot of movies. Just the LOTR: TTT and the Back To The Future DVDs. Have played lots of games. Computer games…

  • As a consumer, I get the feeling that companies don’t care for me. If I were a vindictive person, then I probably would be going out of my way to screw them out of even a tiny bit of their profits. Piss enough of us off, and they would feel the pain in their wallets.…

  • I would be the first to admit that I am a computer junkie!  😛 Gimme a decent rig with decent games and you can let me have fun for hours upon hours. Of course, one could do the same with books or movies. That reminds me… need more shelf space for all my books and movies.…