Category: Art

  • Don’t Change

    As a kid, this Tootsie Pop commercial was my favorite. They aired during Saturday morning cartoons. My parents slept in late those mornings, so I had the television to myself. For the decade or so that I watched, it aired at least once an hour. Some times several times an hour. As an adult, this…

  • Wow, not sure why I have not posted this one yet. In college, I was one of four students who showed up to the showing of a video of Pinker talking about his book How the Mind Works. It reinforced for me Psychology was a good choice for me. So this talk on decline in…

  • Google Labs’ Ngram Viewer lets us look at the use of phrases over time. For example, my name, Ezra, appears to have been most popular usage peaks back in the 1600s and 1700s, but has been more consistently used since the 1800s. This kind of thing can get me lost for hours at a time.…

  • Shortly after yesterday’s Spoilers post, I ran across this on Tumblr. In case the photo below disappears or gets blocked, it says: I’m more interested in the symbols and metaphors in a novel than the actual plot. Maybe this is why I am so bad at spoiling things. The events are not so important as…

  • Sports: I bought my first DVR specifically to record the 2006 World Cup games while at work. I was in my first few months and did not feel like I could afford to take off work to catch all the games I desired. For the 2010, I tuned out of Facebook because I knew lots of…

  • At some point when I am not too lazy, I should empower my future laziness. I really need an easier way to look up books on Goodreads when I see them mentioned on other pages. For example, say I go to BBC’s Big Read and want to add some to my wish list. At present I…

  • Today is the 183rd day or midpoint of the year, so where am I with those goals? Reading goals should be at 50%: Complete unfinished novel series. 13 of 27 done. That is 48%. So I am a little behind. American History and Decision Making. 4 of 10 done. That is 40%. So I am a little behind. Science. 6…

  • Last year I bought a paperback set of A Song of Ice and Fire. Yes, I own the four books in the set. (The fifth was published in hardback at the same time.) Rather than continue messing up my hardbacks from multiple reads, I thought paperbacks would be better. Well, I finally got around to reading…

  • Alien 7… I mean, uh… Prometheus opened today. I am going to see it with some friends Sunday. One star or five, I would go see it. Heck, several other movies by Ridley Scott got me to buy a ticket just because of the first Alien movie. Naturally this movie is going to take bad…