Category: Art

  • Salman Rushdie took a bunch of flak for giving beloved books at poor rating. Well, I don’t like the work of Kingsley Amis, there it is. I don’t have to explain or justify. It’s allowed. He was operating on Goodreads, but Rushdie has not claim his author’s page yet. And, he says he was unaware the ratings…

  • I posted “My Top 10 Life Changing Books” back in September. Such a list is terribly hard for me, so here is another one focused on a dear to me genre.

  • I figured I would get back to doing quarterly reviews of progress on the resolutions for the year. Read 52 books. A quarter of 52 is 13 (the same as a suit in a deck of card). I am a few books ahead at 16. My Goodreads user challenge. Read at least 50% by female authors. So…

  • Allegiant by Veronica Roth My rating: 3 of 5 stars Seems odd, but I found this the best in the series. Things start to click into place. The (terrible, no good not even) scientific explanations made sense of things that had bothered me about the story. At first, the switching back and forth between Tris…

  • Insurgent by Veronica Roth My rating: 3 of 5 stars While I read Divergent for the Not Your Oprah’s Book Club, I had no intention of finishing the series. That stance changed when I decided I should watch the movie for Insurgent since my trainer talked about getting an extra part in it. Maybe his…

  • The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins My rating: 3 of 5 stars Yeah, I am finally getting around to reading it and years of resisting pressure. I rarely read something while everyone else does. The Harry Potter, Twilight, Hunger Games, and Percy Jackson phenomenons where all for Generation Y while I am GenX. I cannot…

  • The Gatekeeper by Scott Ferrell My rating: 4 of 5 stars Scott is a friend from high school. We played D&D and terrorized our hometown. I wanted to read this because I figured it would incorporate elements from that experience. Maybe I would even recognize someone I know? Stories like this about the hero stuck…

  • The Age of American Unreason by Susan Jacoby My rating: 2 of 5 stars Back in 2007, I went to Thanksgiving with Mom to the home of a Philosophy professor. The professor’s father discoursed on why United States presidents should only be intellectuals. His arguments made sense. Someone able to understand the options, determine risk, and plan…

  • As I have previously written here, I am biracial. One parent is European descent while the other is of African descent. When I was born, I was the first biracial child many had ever seen. Thankfully, it was just the start of a trend, so these days plenty are around for people to notice us.…