Who is the most famous or infamous person you have ever met? Well, sort of. My daughter was an exploring toddler. And, perhaps running for Congress? She greeted everyone. One outing to a restaurant with outdoor seating with friends, she was antsy. She wandered as I shadowed to keep her away from dangers. Pretty typical…
Maybe because I am a bookworm, but this is a tweet storm that I decided to make a blog post to better organize my thoughts. Investigation of truth The Pleasure of Finding Things Out: The Best Short Works of Richard P. Feynman. Jeffrey Robbins (Editor). This provided confirmation bias on my love of tinkering on…
Read 12 30 books. I have finished 8, which is well above the 25% pace at 66.7%. Updating the goal to include 18 more books, so now 30. Will count audiobooks. Not counting kids books. Add 12 read to the kid at least 20 times. 1 of these. Not counting short stories / novellas. 4…
Read 12 books. Not counting kids books. Will count audiobooks. Add 12 read to the kid at least 20 times. Lose 25 pounds. Need to regain some muscle too.
I am reading Warnings: Finding Cassandras to Stop Catastrophes. As the authors wrote about experts, the mentioned the books of them. It would be nice to have these books noted on the page with the Want To Read button. It looks like the Kindle app does this. Well, technically, they have a buy other books…
I have not been one to look favorably on counting children’s books in my Goodreads list. However, I am really behind on my reading. And my kid just had me read Oscar’s Book for the 9th time today alone. I am getting in a lot of reading that isn’t going counted. So, I may just…
When a formerly popular musician dies, I suddenly see a bunch of people posting in social media about them. They come back into the consciousness. And, many people are suddenly listening to the music again. Today it was Eddie Money. But, I’ve seen this trend for most. I bet it means more sales and listens…