Author: Ezra S F

  • I to really need to pick up Susan Cain’s book Quiet. I watched her talk at Leading@Google a couple weeks ago because I could not find her TED. Now the TED is available. My family very much was the one where we would hang out together reading. I’ve always been the one to hang back and watch…

  • As we browse the Web, our browsers picks up cookies. Many sites will give our browser advertiser’s cookies. More importantly, the advertiser’s servers can look to see whether we have their cookies and where we obtained them. This is how they record our browsing habits. The more places they advertise, the better they are able…

  • In case the above video does not work, it is available at Youtube Optical Illusion: Reverse Mindwarp

  • Scholars Seek Better Ways to Track Impact Online Mind your language: How linguistic software helps companies catch crooks – The newish trend of analytics in education is from increasing government scrutiny. One might start looking for signs students will attempt to cheat? As it is, the lack of looking for them boasting about cheating is a major…

  • In Real Life

    Context matters. The current environment is assumed, so other contexts must be specified. Online conversations eventually will reference, “In Real Life.” We have corporeal bodies. At least, that is the common sense, much like the world is flat, children are miniature adults, and males are only rational. What we sense is not the data, but…

  • My main page on quotes is Quotes to Make You Think. Additional ones can be found under the Quotes tag. Think before you speak. Read before you think. — Fran Lebowitz We are of opinion that instead of letting books grow moldy behind an iron grating, far from the vulgar gaze, it is better to let them wear out by…

  • When we are happier, our brains work better. Part of this could be viewing stresses as opportunities. If the above video does not load, then try The happy secret to better work.

  • Through the grapevine, a coworker heard in another organization a top administrator wants the rank and file to start blogging. My coworker was opposed. I thought it could be a cool way of internally communicating. Though the conditions to make it work very much depend on the organizational culture: Encouragement not forced. Managers are asked…

  • Baha’is around the world are celebrating the intercalendary days starting today. Our calendar of 19 months with 19 days leave a 4-5 day gap.  Rather than make some months longer than others, we have a period to fill the gap. Following Ayyam-i-ha, Baha’is will observe the Fast. We will abstain from eating and drinking between…