Author: Ezra S F

  • Apparently someone out there is trying to brute force WordPress admin account passwords. Of course, older installers set the administrator username to the same account name: admin. Since this brute force is targeting that account name, WordPress blog owners are being advised to make sure to rename that account.

  • A few years ago a direction challenged friend asked me to go looking at houses with her.  She had a knack for getting lost in neighborhoods. My job was to provide a second opinion and help her get unlost. Only a couple times did I need to suggest to her how to get out of…

  • The start of an adventure usually starts when I tweet an annoyance: Who has two thumbs and regularly disables Sharepoint’s overflow: hidden CSS to re-enable the scrollbar? Me… A coworker asked a good question, which is, “Any easy/lazy way to make it automatic-like?” My response was a Greasemonkey script should do the trick. Okay, so,…

  • Read 52 books. Today, at 1/4 through the year, I should be at 13 books read. I am at 18. Post 180 blog entries. Today at 1/4 through the year, I should be at 45 blog posts published. I am at 24. A dSLR photograph a week. Made it all the way to week three.

  • My main page on quotes is Quotes to Make You Think. Additional ones can be found under the Quotes tag. The opposite of good is not evil. It’s indifference. — Abraham Joshua Heschel He wrapped himself in quotations – as a beggar would enfold himself in the purple of Emperors. — Rudyard Kipling Crowns do queer things to the heads beneath…

  • LMS Brackets

    I don’t really follow basketball. So, it is odd that I even registered this tweet from Dennis Kavelman, @dkavelman:   Team D2L has 4 schools in sweet sixteen! Go #marquette, #arizona, #msu, #osu! @desire2learn He is excited because four universities who are clients of his company are in the major NCAA basketball championship contest. If only four are…

  • Disqus

    I am trying out the Disqus comment system for this blog through the WordPress plug-in. I’ve had an account through them for years for my Tumblr. Not sure why I did not bite this bullet years ago. More and more sites I visit use it. It lets commenters authenticate through Disqus, Facebook, Twitter, or Google. The…

  • To the right is a photo of my to-read stack of books at the time. I noticed the March 19, 2008 date, and thought it would be interesting to see how many of them I have read in the years since. I count 80 visible books. I think I have read 47 of them. Of course,…

  • Great Wave

    I think I first saw The Great Wave of Kanagawa at a museum in New York in 1992, which I guess would have been the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Wikipedia says a copy resides there. At the time I was disappointed in there not being more SesshÅ« Tōyō. (I have a nominal connection to SesshÅ«.)…