Author: Ezra S F

  • This year was a mixed bag. Sorry for the lack of updates. Read 52 books. Today, at the end of the year, I should be at 52 books read. I reached that point back on October 12th. (A few days earlier than last year.) My total for the year is 74. (142%) SUCCEEDED. 30 need to be…

  • I was challenged by a friend to list 10 books that have stayed with me in some way. Don’t take more than a few minutes and do not overthink it. Not necessarily classics, but ones that have affected you in some way. Cook, David. 1989. Player’s Handbook, Advanced Dungeons & Dragons, 2nd Edition. Anthony, Piers. 1977. A Spell for…

  • On the Internet, nobody knows if you’re a dog… but everybody knows if you’re a jackass. — stevemb

  • Nor has Youtube. I have several problems with Amazon Isn’t Killing Writing, The Market Is. The article is about the Amazon Kindle Unlimited subscription for $9.95/month for unlimited access to the Kindle eBook library. First, Amazon already offers borrowing from some of the Kindle library as part of their Prime service. I borrowed a book from…

  • Had a conversation with a restaurant manager when he said he hates computers. His life has gone from 90% working with food to maybe 60%. Naturally he did not get into this kind of work to spend so much time dealing with computers. At first I thought the issue was empowerment. A few decades ago,…

  • When Amazon bought Goodreads, the main hope for me was a tighter integration. Many of the books I read have a variety of editions, so I have to figure out which one to select on Goodreads. Different editions might even have the same cover, so it can be a challenge. If the book is an…

  • Not even sure how this came up, but someone explained to me how it infuriated him that because the Boy Scouts of America decided not to accept homosexual scout leaders Walt Disney stopped sponsoring them. It was not right for Disney to do that. First, I asked if it would be right for some other…

  • Tuesday afternoon a bit of snow hit Georgia. We get them occasionally even down here in the southern United States. Usually they hit the mountains. Everywhere else, we just shut down for a few days. Unfortunately, we do not have all of our Atlanta schools on one system or all of our south Georgia schools…

  • As “plumbers” for 17 databases and over a hundred application servers, we really do not have the time to sit there and watch them all. We design things so problems are pushed up to our attention. We are still getting point of predictive alerts to failures like we were on RHEL/Weblogic/Oracle, so usually we only…