Received an email that looked phishy: Greetings, Please read this important e-mail carefully. Recently you registered, transferred or modified the contact information for the following domain name: In order to ensure your domain name remain active, you must now click the following link and follow the instructions provided. Sincerely, Domain Registrar The web…
The “just” part is the hard part. Ego depletion may not be real (another), but it certainly seems so for myself. Recently when stressed, I made lots and lots of bad decisions earlier in the day than normal. These tactics are essentially my own strategy for getting in gym almost every day: Chaining:Â Add it as…
I learned electronics as a kid by messing around with old radios that were easy to tamper with because they were designed to be fixed. Lee Felsesnsteinin The Innovators: How a Group of Inventors, Hackers, Geniuses, and Geeks Created the Digital Revolution by Walter Isaacson The story I tell about how I ended up working in information…
13.7: Cosmos and Culture has a good article on predictions. Making good predictions isn’t just about your accuracy; it’s also about your calibration. Accuracy = how often correct Calibration = confidence level in the prediction All too often when we see predictions no one asks about the calibration. Nor do we go back and check the…
Click-bait:Â 11 Ways To Love Goodreads Even More I use the stats for my resolutions to decide how many books to do in any given year and especially picked 25,000 for this year because of the low page count. The app is how I ever remember to add what I am reading and finished. A couple…
Automation is here. When I was in college, for most of my time there, I thought Industrial-Organizational Psychology was my career path. It was not until my last semester when I started working as a student for IT that it all changed. Little did I know that people efficiency was dying. Automation, aka the efficiency…
In reading the 2016 update, I learned that apparently The Myth of the Rational Voter: Why Democracies Choose Bad Policies was already on my wishlist / to-read list. The 2016 update was an interesting read and reveals I really do need to read this book this year. Reading The Political Brain: The Role of Emotion in Deciding…
Ran across this video series on “Exploring black mixed identity in the 21st Century.” More than just discussing the offensiveness of mulatto, they discuss the doting on whiteness, family, and symbology. One part I keep coming back to ties to where I’ve seen some stuff online on people who rail against calling yourself mixed. In…
Living in the Bible Belt, sometimes the only association people have with my name is the book in the Bible. Which is fine. I mean who would honestly recognize… Ezra Klein Ezra Koenig Ezra Miller Ezra Cornell Ezra Pound Ezra Taft Benson before the book? Recently I did get a rather weird question. Ezra is…