Author: Ezra S F

  • I love Michael Lopp’s writing in Rands In Repose. His entry The Likeability Feedback Loop captures why I still have my RSS reader and try to comment on posts that engage me. Social media gleefully feeds a post-truth society and it does so by design, but social media is not the problem. Fake news is…

  • Zittrain’s set of tweets was interesting reading. 23/ There's more beyond "like" and "share" to help people looking more for information than fun help examine their own assumptions. — Jonathan Zittrain (@zittrain) November 15, 2016 Lots more on it: best, 1, 2, 3. There is an interesting plug-in called Media Bias/Fact Check which will help show…

  • I will try not to spoil Westworld but no guarantees. So the premise of the show and movies is there is a park with androids who become dangerous. Part of the fun is determining whether this is because of an accident, systemic problems, or sabotage. Essentially this is the kind of story that motivated Isaac Asimov…

  • Mental note for the next time I take my laptop to a meeting. Undocking the laptop will gray out the headphone. This makes sense because the headphones are plugged into the dock jack. Putting it back in the dock will not restore it. You will need to go into Sounds > Playback. Enable the Headphone option.…

  • Revoked Citizenship?

    I wonder what happens to someone whose United States citizenship is revoked. My president-elect suggested this as a potential consequence to burning the American flag. [1] Nobody should be allowed to burn the American flag – if they do, there must be consequences – perhaps loss of citizenship or year in jail! — Donald J.…

  • In the time of Hamilton

    So, the social media sphere is abuzz over our President-elect tweeting about a member of the cast of the Hamilton play reading a statement to the VP-elect. The P-elect seemed upset about it all. The VP-elect seemed amused people are buzzing about a non-issue and people should expect the P-elect to be the kind of person they…

  • Illusory Truth Effect

    Repeated statements receive higher truth ratings than new statements, a phenomenon called the illusory truth effect… Repetition makes statements easier to process (i.e., fluent) relative to new statements, leading people to the (sometimes) false conclusion that they are more truthful… Indeed, illusory truth effects arise even without prior exposure—people rate statements presented in high-contrast (i.e., easy-to-read) fonts…

  • Friends of Friends

    Occasionally friends will see something they like and tag another friend in a comment. In general, I have a privacy level of Friends on my posts. Non-mutual friends are not able to see these tags. I knew about and disliked these options: Leave it alone. The friend’s friend has no idea the post exists unless someone…

  • Keyboard Layouts

    Currently annoyed that every keyboard I am using has the Insert key in a different place. See, as a shell jockey, my work mostly consists of connecting to a server via command line and inputting commands. Shift+Insert is the paste command within these shells. I am very much used to the standard keyboard layout where there…