I watched the movie the other day. It made me realize that I know next to nothing about what the title is referencing. The synopsis I read about the movie made clear it was about the Boston Marathon Bombing, so it made it seem that the movie was about the heroic efforts of the Boston…
With this specific application, we can import data, but there are limitations due to its 2000-era handling of XML files. HTML forms uploading files have to… Have all the packets be received by the server. Process the file with the browser connection still open. The server has to tell the browser everything was received and…
Team lead of a group was curious which of his people have access to a certain system. I know the information is in an Active Directory Group. I knew where to find the group. So, I pulled up the AD Users and Computer, found the group and was dismayed because I was looking at three…
Ezra is a weird name. Reversing the letters does not really make it more or less weird. Ezra vs Arze There is a famous musician named Ezra Koenig (from Vampire Weekend). His Twitter account is @arzE. His use of this name suggests to me he did the same thing as me, possibly also in his teens,…
In the 90s, Lucasfilm strongly pushed the Star Wars novels. Timothy Zahn wrote the Thrawn Trilogy. I probably bought as many as 50 Star Wars books wanting to read about what what happened next, before, and during the movies. I suspect the strength of all our interest is what made Episodes I-III possible. And Disney…
(Original ; First Quarter ; Half ; Third-Quarter ; Final) For the first quarter, I should have progressed about 25%. So, let’s see where I am. Read 52 books. First quarter goal: 13 books. I have actually finished 12. Hit 20,000 pages. First quarter goal: 5,000 pages. I have actually finished 3,408. Read politically. Total 10. First quarter goal: 2.5 books. A Nation…
Adam Grant pointed to How ‘Intellectual Humility’ Can Make You a Better Person which I found intriguing. We all have a tendency to overestimate how much we know — which, in turn, means that we often cling stubbornly to our beliefs while tuning out opinions different from our own. We generally believe we’re better or…
There is a great quote from The Princess Bride… Westley: Who are you? Are we enemies? Why am I on this wall? Where is Buttercup? Inigo Montoya: Let me explain. [pause] Inigo Montoya: No, there is too much. Let me sum up. Buttercup is marry Humperdinck in little less than half an hour. So all…