Author: Ezra S F

  • Total Eclipse

      A friend invited others to her parent’s house inside the totality. It was fantastic placement very near the center of totality, so we got to see it for a couple minutes rather than a few seconds just inside totality. [Photo album] I experienced the annular eclipses in 1984 and 1994. I was a kid…

  • C.S. Lewis: It is a good rule, after reading a new book, never to allow yourself another new one till you have read an old one in between. If that is too much for you, you should at least read one old one to every three new ones… People were no cleverer then than they are…

  • Back in the early days of spam, I did try replying to a few, but I never got anything like this. Suspicious emails: unclaimed insurance bonds, diamond-encrusted safe deposit boxes, close friends marooned in a foreign country. They pop up in our inboxes, and standard procedure is to delete on sight. But what happens when…

  • Phishing

    Over a month ago, I received a creative phishing attempt. We use a relatively popular service which is mimicked fairly well. I typically receive notification emails from it by an administrative assistant. This came from another name. That was my only real clue that made me look closer. Since, I have received almost a dozen,…

  • Renowned

    Saw a Facebook post claiming “… a renowned psychologist believes that…” which made me curious. Such a psychologist ought to have thousands of academic journal citations. So, I looked up the name on Google Scholar and saw one to five. The most highly cited stuff was about metaphysical stuff that psychologists refute. Roy F. Baumeister is what…

  • Balance Theory

    Found it especially weird that podcasts advertising Zip Recruiter tend to talk about how they found people to work for them without using Zip Recruiter. We are supposed to believe that even though they did not use it, we should not leave it to chance to find a good employee like they did. These bothered me…

  • I often use a term “borked” to mean to fail in a spectacular fashion. (The official definition is: obstruct (someone, especially a candidate for public office) through systematic defamation or vilification.) The “fake” news about President Trump wanting to end Mueller’s investigation in the Russia connection reminds me of origin of this word. President Nixon…

  • Seasons

    In the southern US, one can tell it is winter based on people wearing sweaters or scarves outside office buildings. It is summer based on people wearing sweaters or scarves inside office buildings.

  • Discovered this blog was showing: Briefly unavailable for scheduled maintenance. Check back in a minute. Any time it upgrades, this gets thrown up during the process. However, it goes away once the process is completed. It showing is not an error so much as a notification and should as it says go away in a…