Don’t know what the ultimate solution was to the NFS server problem, but it is fixed. Everyone is happy, I guess. Someone was scanning for legitimate logins to our web server. They sent 12,559 connections and may have gotten maybe 48 successful. I’ve got a script to let me know when they come back. Watch…
Something was changed on the NFS server. Now all the ones that depend upon getting critical data of it are screwed. That includes my server at the moment.
My Sun workstation died. Probably a motherboard failure. It is an old machine (means out of warranty). I will have to find another plaform to test the student voting system we had located. More Badtrans and Sircam viruses hitting my inbox. I even got a Snow White virus. Nice to know I am such a…
This is my desktop web server. I have installed Apache web server with SSL on it. Now I also have MySQL. Next up is to install PHP. PHP is such a pain to install. Cannot seem to get it to see the APXS to do the dynamic support install. Probably a path problem… 🙁
Have script to email me the daily contents of the logs for machines. One email with all the info I could desire about what was going on. All of these viruses suck. Going to experiment with online voting. Product of choice can integrate with LDAP, uses a MySQL database, and uses SSL. Impressive.
Evaluating Information Sources. Do you have friends that like to forward things about missing children, viruses, or AOL’s new merger? This article is great for them. It’s got lots of sites they can use to get the skinny on the hoax they are about to perpetuate. Build Your Own Portable, Personal Search Engine. This program…
Spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam. Viruses, viruses, viruses, viruses, viruses, viruses, viruses, viruses, viruses, viruses, viruses, viruses, viruses, viruses. Sux to be me… 🙁
Today is a good day. Avoided the Nimda virus Joe got. Installed Apache with Mod SSL and Open SSl without one hiccup.
Great article on things techies know, but most people do not. Ironically enough, it is from the IBM web site. <article>