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2003-05-22-rain, originally uploaded by sneezypb. This is still one of my favorite photos I have ever taken. No texturizing. Just good ole flash reflections superimposing 2 different images. The car dashboard. The tree distorted by the rain. It is almost 2 years old. It is still great, I think.
Fishies I, originally uploaded by sneezypb. These are the Preciouses my mom dotes over March to November. Time to take second place to water-breathing vertabrates for a while.
Now to beat Legendary!! Unless it turns out that I do have something bad Wednesday…. In which case I probably will be spending hours at the gym not playing games. 🙁
Lucky or Brilliant? Probably both. I especially like this quote from Was Einstein an Alien? Einstein’s parents sometimes took Albert to parties. No babysitter was required: Albert sat on the couch, totally absorbed, quietly doing math problems while others danced around him. Pencil and paper were Albert’s GameBoy! When I was young, I would build…
Robert Orben – “To err is human–and to blame it on a computer is even more so.”
Red Weeds, originally uploaded by sneezypb. Took this this afternoon. I thought about taking pics of a couple other fields before this one. However, just after passing this one, I noticed a train ahead. So I returned, took the photo, and just as I approached the tracks for the second time, the train finished.
Since so many academically minded individuals read this blog, I thought some of you might be interested in this web service called CiteULike. The idea is to bookmark the academic journal articles you visit and get the reference information more easily. Having gotten out of the academic research game, I really do not know whether…