Bloggers Need Not Apply delves into a search committee’s use of personal web sites and blogs to scare them away from hiring candidates.
Several magazine companies have used North Shore to attempt to scare me into renewing their product. This method of strong arming customers gave me a bad taste for the company. Now I definitely am relieved.
Please leave a one-word comment that you think best describes me. It can only be one word. No more. Then copy & paste this in your journal so that I may leave a word about you.
MOSCOW (Reuters) – A Russian astrologist who says NASA has altered her horoscope by crashing a spacecraft into a comet is suing the U.S. space agency for damages of $300 million, local media reported on Monday. NASA deliberately crashed its probe, named Deep Impact, into the Tempel 1 comet to unleash a spray of material…
Use a paper “response list” to triage messages before you do any follow-up. The solution to e-mail overload is pencil and paper? Who knew? Grab a legal pad and label it “Response list.” Run through your incoming e-mails. For each, note on the paper what you have to do or whom you have to call.…
Technologies are not well thought out. Podcasters host MP3s on a web site. So any time a listener grabs it, they download it from the web site. In the case of someone with a limited bandwidth hosting plan, it is very possible for the bandwidth to be exceeded. Events like a major software provider (iTunes)…
So iTunes has Audiobooks of The Song of Ice and Fire Series. How long does it take to read George to read them? A Game of Thrones – 33h 45m A Clash of Kings – 37h 13m A Storm of Swords – unavailable Based on my calculations, it should take about 2 min per page.…
seriouslyuguys may be on to something. Anyone want to go in on getting The Penguin Classics Library Complete Collection? It is like $8,000 so we could do shares at $200 a pop? We would only need 40 shares to sell. LOL From Edwin A. Abbott to Emile Zola, the 1,082 titles in the Penguin Classics…
As Dvorak points out, BitTorrent is the largest single protocol. The Web’s HTTP barely counts compared to BitTorrent and the other P2P protocols. That’s a heck of a lot of traffic—as any network administrator knows—and having it increased with crapware is not good news. In addition, some anti-virus and anti-spyware programs don’t look at Torrents…