After rereading my Connotations of a Pronoun post, I realized I probably should archive these messages here. Interestingly I don’t have anywhere near the number as other IT employees. January 2006 Ezra Freelove, IT Thank you for “helping us access our email. You really care!” April 2005 Ezra Freelove, Information Technology “When she saw that the web…
Popular, originally uploaded by sneezypb. Dusty (left) representing Atlanta. Sharon (middle) representing Daytona. Cat (right) representing Ashville. Popular, originally uploaded by sneezypb. Yup! Definitely a fun weekend. (For me anyway) Glass macro Naughty can be nice / Don’t think so much about it / Follow your instincts 3 gen
Who wants to starve out the enemy? Break down his defenses! Mmmmm… a 300 pounder! Watching this show on siege engines reminds me of two favorite things from my life. The first, and best was the week my aunt and uncle let us come stay for a week in England. By far, that was my…
I would be willing to bet these police computers are using 802.11 MHz of 2.4, the same frequency that 802.11b and 802.11a use. I heard recently police can use 4.9MHz. Maybe the Keene IT guys don’t know? Police Computers Clash With Dunkin’ Donuts System For Keene, New Hampshire police officers, getting through the drive-through at…
A few years ago, I happened to be looking at the CIA World Factbook (probably specifically at Seychelles) and ended up looking at job descriptions for the Consular Officer (now apparently a Passport and Visa Specialist). At the time, I thought it was be an ideal job. Go live in a country for a few…
What about the customers? Companies all too often play chicken. It is the consumers who get screwed. A few years ago, a Sun vs. Microsoft disagreement meant no adequate Java Runtime Environment for the brand new Windows XP personal computers for months. Developers for online classes often tap Java for mini-applications (HTML editors, chat, file…
Boondocks did an episode on Martin Luther King, Jr. It inspired me to Google MLK. Much of this is a poignant reminder of how far and not far enough the both America and the world have come. We are not living the dream. Yet… I Have A Dream Delivered on the steps at the Lincoln…
How do YOU die? Okay, so here’s the deal, find out how you end your life, the google way. Go to google, type “(your first name) was killed by” and see what the end of life holds in store for you. Remember to use the quotations marks, else it wont work. Mine: “ Ezra was…
Back in December, I applied for a position in Enterprise Application Services – Technical Services in the Office of Information and Instructional Technology in the University System of Georgia. The title is the same as mine. The job duties would be one of three Database and Application Administrators for the WebCT Vista system at USG.…