Author: Ezra S F

  • My hair is sooo soft when I finally get a haircut…. 🙂

  • Kurzweil is an interesting thinker. His stuff gives me the willies. Don’t ask me why. He seems perhaps a little too far out there.NPR : Thinkers Lay Out the Beliefs They Can’t Prove At this point, we run up against a seemingly intractable limit: the speed of light. Although a billion feet per second may…

  • This is an interesting opinion piece. I kind of think of the Bank of America commercial where the CTO or CIO says their goal is not to get right almost every time but to get it right once and replicate it every time. Wired News: Why Data Mining Won’t Stop Terror Let’s look at some…

  • About time… Now FL, its your turn! Maryland House votes to oust Diebold machines – Computerworld The state of Maryland stands poised to put its entire $90 million investment in Diebold Election Systems Inc. touch-screen e-voting systems on ice because they can’t produce paper receipts. The state House of Delegates this week voted 137-0 to…

  • Google Agrees to Settle ‘Click Fraud’ Case – Yahoo! News Mountain View, Calif.-based Google makes virtually all of its money from text-based advertising links that trigger commissions each time they are clicked on. Besides enriching Google, the system has been a boon for advertisers, whose sales have been boosted by an increased traffic from prospective…

  • This is on my wishlist in case anyone wants to buy it for me. Moving away gift, birth day, etc. 🙂 Time Management for System Administrators: Books: Thomas Limoncelli Time is a precious commodity, especially if you’re a system administrator. No other job pulls people in so many directions at once. Users interrupt you…

  • Pretty good article which mentions a mainstay of the WWWAC lists, John Haller. Portable apps get a thumbs-up — [John] Haller … is involved in an industry initiative that’s being supported by most major USB drive manufacturers under the rubric of U3. U3 is for pen/USB drives only, but it incorporates additional user-friendly features:…

  • My new toy. I copied over all my stuff from my work desktop. No, I didn’t get it from I got it from Best Buy of all places for $3 more. I previously had ordered a 300GB drive from NewEgg to put in an enclosure I have, but their ordering stuff didn’t work for…

  • This makes me think. Not sure I really agree or disagree. PostSecret (PostSecret is an ongoing community art project where people mail in their secrets anonymously on one side of a homemade postcard.)