Author: Ezra S F

  • – Preventing allergies might get a little dirty Here’s the new wisdom: Early exposure to pets, peanuts and intestinal worms might actually be good for you, because they program the developing immune system to know the difference between real threats, such as germs, and Aunt Millie’s cat.Evidence to support this view has been mounting…

  • Okay…. Wow

    Creating Passionate Users Recognizing that programmers cannot be expected to care deeply about users if they–the programmers–are not happy and fulfilled, Emotional Programmingâ„¢ brings a new level of sensitivity to software development. The Emo Programmerâ„¢ is one who strives to craft the most user-friendly, accessible, and inspiring applications. It is no longer enough for our…

  • So I am not the only one…. In Spring ’06, A Young Man’s Fancy Turns To Work . . . Think romance is alive and well among young singles? That twenty-somethings are checking each other out in the office and cruising the bars at night, looking for someone to love? You might want to think…

  • Crashed Linux, originally uploaded by milliped. From the site: Everyone is familiar with blue-screening kiosks and travel information displays, but this one was pretty new to me. The route display on this Air Algerie Airbus a330 was visibly experiencing some disk issues. (They rebooted the aircraft in midair, everything was fine after).

  • Pi Day

    How to Celebrate Pi Day – WikiHow Pi Day is a special day in the lives of many-a-nerd. Just like normal people celebrate Valentine’s Day or National Pancake Day, nerds around the world will gather and join hands in the shape whose ratio of its circumference to its diameter is the most revered mathematical constant…

  • New phishing scan

    I know so many people who would jump at this…. This is disturbing.    Dear <removed> Bank Customer,      CONGRATULATIONS!       You have been chosen by the <removed> Bank online department    to take part in our quick and easy 5 question survey.   In return we will credit $20 to your account – Just for your…

  • Email Cheats

    I was hoping this article might help me. However, I already use some of these. Maybe I just need to refine and use them a bit more? Inbox Zero: Five sneaky email cheats | 43 Folders The template The link The question The “I don’t know” The delete key(Ones I use in bold) The template…

  • A definition of blog in a SQL statement. Jeremy Zawodny’s blog SELECT * FROM random_thoughts ORDER BY date DESC

  • Not So Secret

    Keeping secrets is difficult. People blab. People are slackers. People are clueless. However, due to the media we expect the CIA (and FBI and federal government in general) to be on the ball. Their job is to protect us. So we want to believe they are best of the best of the best; that everyone…