Author: Ezra S F

  • A number of people have remarked that my cube is too clean. So… Here is a list of things people can get me to help messy up my cube: The Red Swingline Stapler The Cubes – Cubicle Playsets Albert Einstein Action Figure Giant Plush MicrobesE. Coli, Pox/Syphillis, Mad Cow, Bookworm, Ebola, Ulcer, Beer Yeast Monty…

  • Who knew the ATF was full of pirates? Always picking on the poor ninjas. – ATF rids Univ. of ninja threat ATF agents are always on alert for anything suspicious — including ninjas.

  • Creating Gravity

    Brian Greene mentioned this might be only a few years away in Fabric of the Cosmos. Assuming others validate this is true, this is a great step forward for String Theory. Researchers create gravity in lab experiment | Science Blog Scientists funded by the European Space Agency have measured the gravitational equivalent of a magnetic…

  • A few conspiracy theorists who claim we never actually went to the Moon mention the inability of the space suits and craft of the time to hold out the cosmic radiation. Do they have enough time to gauge whether a human could survive a trip to Mars and back? Considering Mars no longer has a…

  • Ultimately motivational books are to get one to understand why we do any particular thing. I ran across this Zachman framework and a thought popped in my head. Its the misunderstandings of what, how, where, who, and when that cause us to not even get to why. Motivational books are about focus on the why…

  • It sounds like there are good things coming out of the Infosec World conference. Just last week I and a co-worker had commiserated about too many security policies focusing on things people are not going to do anyway. So to pick your battles so you can stand your grounds seems pretty wise. Too much interference…

  • These people can help you out! How to Build a Container City I ran across this briefly while flipping channels. Very interesting. I mean, people live in trailers which are really fairly similar. However, I am guess these are very upscale and hundreds of pounds per unit.

  • This is just a personal exercise to track what I have done and might ought to try. Done To-Do No way Welcome to MY world: 31 ways for you to use your blog Not sure what to blog about? You can blog about anything that interests you. Here are some ideas to get you started:…

  • This hilarious email exchange at about hackers, CentOS, a web host, and a former computer systems engineer turned politician made my evening. LOL