Yeah, this one is a royal pain. Mozilla removes support for older versions of their browser six months after the new one went into production. Open source is nimble. Proprietary companies are inflexible. Sounds like its time to go after nimble applications? Why Mozilla still hasn’t cracked the enterprise | May 24, 2006 07:12 PM…
Woman 1: You are on work 7 / 24 / 365 Woman 2: Yeah!
Certainly, had my chosen profession to work in a french fry factory, I don’t think of all the safety concerns I might need to be cognizant, locating grenades or shell tips would not be one I anticipated.
Gonzales Says Prosecutions of Journalists Are Possible – New York Times The government has the legal authority to prosecute journalists for publishing classified information, Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales said yesterday. “There are some statutes on the book which, if you read the language carefully, would seem to indicate that that is a possibility,” Mr.…
Avebury Stone, originally uploaded by idreamofdaylight. I loved being at Avebury! Seeing someone else’s photos of the place brings back fond memories. Here’s a picture of me next to a stone at Avebury. Other London / Paris 2002 vacation pictures.
Some quotes from an article in the NYT on cheating. This recently came up on a WebCT Users list (usually at least once every year). Maybe the timing is right because the academic year at many schools just ended? Test administrators are usually one step behind the cheaters. There are lots of technologies that have…
Sorry… A comment spammer found my blog today. WordPress did an okay job to moderate the ~150 it tried to post. Rather than see the emails from the spammer attempting to post, I decided that since I don’t get many comments anyway, to just require one to login to post a comment. So, if you…
Guy 1: “Should we be worried about the maniacal laughter coming from the next building?” Guy 2: “Huh. I am so used to hearing from my co-workers that I must not have noticed.”
Go to the article for more. Summary is below. Bush Broadband Goal Gored – US Broadband Penetration Breaks 70% Among Active Internet Users – Broadband Study Highlights Two-Speed Europe – May 2006 Bandwidth Report President Bush’s goal of universal broadband access for all Americans by 2007 appears to be in doubt, according to a recent…