July 4, 2006, originally uploaded by Mrs.MikeBRSM. Its great NASA was able to launch Discovery. I hope the mission goes smoothly. I also hope foam doesn’t remain a hot button issue.
This ascii-movie made me laugh. Its along the lines of the dancing baby from the late-90s. Only made from text…. that moves.
Pirate attacks in Malacca Strait | BBC NEWS: Pirates in the Malacca Strait have attacked two UN-chartered ships and threatened a Japanese cargo carrier, a maritime watchdog has said. Are the UN in league with the Ninjas? I don’t think Disney needs press coverage for the new Pirates of the Carribean: Dead Man’s Chest.
I find some of the emails that circulate around here funny. Here is an example. A hubcap off someone’s vehicle was found in our parking lot. Claim at front desk.
Discovery Channel :: News – Human :: Serious Study: Immaturity Levels Rising: The adage “like a kid at heart” may be truer than we think, since new research is showing that grown-ups are more immature than ever. Specifically, it seems a growing number of people are retaining the behaviors and attitudes associated with youth. As…
Ever wanted to know what geek children did in the 80s? This is just like what I did (only done by adults and for a movie). The Carbon Freeze Sequence UPDATE: Originally I tried to post the YouTube video with the object and embed tags. However, it seems LJ prohibits the use of object and…
Study: Southerners care most often for elderly loved ones: Southern hospitality, it seems, extends to the elderly: A higher percentage of Southerners care for the old and ailing than do people in other parts of the country, according to a new study. Nearly 17 percent of Southerners said in survey that they provide regular care…
Does the World Cup have a lingua franca? By Daniel Engber: [Alexi] Lalas once regaled [a referee] in Ecuador with the Spanish translation of “son of a bitch.” The resulting phrase turned out to be far more offensive than the English version, and he got a red card on the spot.