Hairy Originally uploaded by sneezypb. Definitely time for a haircut. About a week ago I decided I needed one. However, its been quite hectic. As most of you know, I work for the University System of Georgia’s Office of Instructional and Information Technology, specifically a project to provide system wide (35 schools) online classes. We…
Moose from Utah transported to Colorado – Yahoo! News “I’ve never mugged a moose, but I guess they’re pretty wimpy once they’re on the ground,” Dolling said.
Science Mysteries, Explained – Popular Science The world is full of mysteries, and we at Popular Science strive to do our part to help you make sense of them. What causes Slurpee-induced brain freeze? Will junior1s piano lessons make him smarter? Can men produce breast milk? We’ve covered these important bases and more to help…
Currently watching Neil Gaiman’s MirrorMask. Plot Summary for MirrorMask (2005) ( Helena, a 15-year-old girl in a family of circus entertainers, often wishes she could run off and join real life. After a fight with her parents about her future plans, her mother falls quite ill and Helena is convinced that it is all her…
Sitting in Cubeville, all morning long pagers have been going off. Several different kinds of sounds and volumes clues that each is a different person being paged. All of our pagers going off at once? THAT would be scary.
I was disappointed the only IE competitor mentioned was Firefox. Opera, Safari, and Netscape are well known enough that it would behoove a more balanced view to mention them as well. My only use of IE lately is replicating a user problem I can’t replicate in Firefox and the very, very infrequent case a web…
shelchan told me about a restaurant called Bed where the customers sit on beds as they eat. Okkkkaaaaay…. What is your idea for a themed restaurant? I suggested Dirt: The dishes are made from worms, mealy bugs, and other creatures from the dirt.