On the surface, it may seem like an easy question. Data Owners typically think this has an easy answer. If their data followed a very simplistic model, then it would have an easy answer. Just “select count(*) from table;” and report the value. Unfortunately for Data Custodians, the data is often organized in relational data…
I’ve noticed something weird about my reading habits. I think only read maybe 1 on 25 tweetstorms authored by someone I follow. I will read about 1 in 5 retweeted by someone I follow. Tweets appear with most recent at the top and oldest at the bottom. So, when I encounter a tweetstorm in my…
Geeks have intense interests. They border on obsessions. They know EVERYTHING about those interests. And argue vehemently for them, about them, and against others. These habits bleed over into other non-geek areas such that it felt like an intrinsic part of the culture. For decades I doubted you could have geeks without arguments, so I…
It is funny to me how many rivalries UGA football has: Clean, Old-Fashioned Hate World’s Largest Outdoor Cocktail Party Deep South’s Oldest Rivalry “Grown Man Football” with Missouri with South Carolina with Tennessee fans talk about hating Clemson fans talk about hating Alabama Since Atlanta is the closest metropolitan area to UGA, there is a…
A friend claimed geofencing is the solution to the problem of minor league baseball players clocking in and out for work. (Sure, I had other issues with the plan, but this is specifically about how if all that other stuff is wonderful, how geofencing would fail.) The concept is that when one arrives at a…
The reaction people have towards social media companies is to lie. This amuses me because self-reporting is well known as the worst data. The data scientists expect people to lie.[1] Which is why they ignore what you say about yourself and focus on your behavior. So, you need to start having intentionally deceptive behavior. The…
Being limited to things just two weeks in advance is a pain in my ass. I keep seeing buzz about shows of interest, so I go to schedule recording it to find out that it is not out yet. The one that prompted this is not even out until for months. In the past, I…
Some topics for talking about the work prospects for G. I know he watches CGP Grey, so this is probably what prompted the question. The concern should not be the number of jobs, but whether the remaining jobs will offer a good standard of living. “What is the comparative advantage of human labor in an…
My goal is simple. It is a complete understanding of the universe, why it is as it is and why it exists at all. If there is an afterlife, then he has that complete understanding now. One, remember to look up at the stars and not down at your feet. Two, never give up work.…