Author: Ezra S F

  • Snow Queen

    Snow Queen, originally uploaded by sneezypb.

  • Snow Queen, originally uploaded by sneezypb. Saw this moth in the breezeway when I stopped by home to get some stuff I needed to mail.

  • As scary as it sounds, I’ve been thinking about abandoning the use of “sneezypb”. The name is based upon my tendency to sneeze very loudly where people in another building can hear it. If you are at all familiar with Snow White and the Seven Dwarves, then you are familiar with the character Sneezy having…

  • Thistle Watshes Schme, originally uploaded by sneezypb. It reminds me of the ship’s computer in Flight of the Navigator.

  • Thistle Watshes Schme, originally uploaded by sneezypb. It reminds me of the ship’s computer in Flight of the Navigator.

  • Reactions

    The Athens NEWS: Athens’ Only Locally Owned Newspaper: Ohio University would be safer with concealed weapons on campus if those gaining such a permit had to be subjected to a strict screening process that included an annual mental-health checkup; criminal background check; and training in said firearms use, marksmanship and safety, including an inspection of…

  • Cali N Tito’s, originally uploaded by sneezypb. Ate there for lunch Wednesday for lunch with Stacey and Stella. Mmmmmmm fish taco’s.

  • Some of my latest work has been in chasing cheaters or “Vista ate my homework” claims. Some background: I work for a project that hosts online classes for 32 of the 35 universities in our system. We have about 125,000 users who have performed at least 100 actions this term. We have had about 50…

  • Investigating an issue with Blackboard Vista’s Who’s Online feature. Its a chat tool. So why do I feel like a tool by chatting with myself?