:: Mozilla begets WebRunner, a site-specific browser: Nowadays, people are turning to Web-based applications as replacements for desktop applications. Web-based office suites, mail clients, multimedia apps, and general productivity tools are all extremely useful now, but standard Web browsers aren’t always the best option for running applications. To provide a more suitable tool for…
Anyone else looking forward to the new Flash Gordon (Aug 2007) series on SciFi? The mini-series Tin Man (Dec 2007) looks like it could be interesting as well.
Brother and Sister Look at a Plane, originally uploaded by Ezra F. The boy’s face says to me pure joy. Took this a while ago, but I forgot it was still on the data card. I found it while pulling off pictures of the board from the meeting this morning.
Brother and Sister Look at a Plane, originally uploaded by Ezra F. The boy’s face says to me pure joy. Took this a while ago, but I forgot it was still on the data card. I found it while pulling off pictures of the board from the meeting this morning.
Hate mosquitoes? You should move along. There are amazingly clear pictures under the link. Mosquito sucking my blood (macros)!: Digital Photography Review: I noticed the mozzies were out this evening so got my FZ50 ready with raynox 250 attached and sat down on the porch. Took only a minute and the first one landed on…
Anyone interesting in co-authoring a book? Freakonomics Blog » The Man Behind Tyler Cowen, and Freakonomics Too: FWIW, I am constantly surprised, and a little bit saddened, that more books aren’t co-authored, especially between academics (who often have great research but subpar writing skills) and writers (who spend their days trying to write well but…
Don’t get rid of honors courses, abolish ‘regular’ classes | By Jay Mathews Washington Post Writers Group Published on: 07/23/07 Washington —- The honors course was once a vital part of American high schools, respected by all. That is changing fast, and many students and their parents are upset about it.
NPR : Mother and Son Offer Transracial Adoption Insights: Morning Edition, July 23, 2007 · When Judy Stigger and her husband decided to adopt, they chose children who very obviously didn’t look like them. “If you’re a very private person, this is probably very hard to do because people are curious and do ask how…