Author: Ezra S F

  • WebRunner :: Mozilla begets WebRunner, a site-specific browser: Nowadays, people are turning to Web-based applications as replacements for desktop applications. Web-based office suites, mail clients, multimedia apps, and general productivity tools are all extremely useful now, but standard Web browsers aren’t always the best option for running applications. To provide a more suitable tool for…

  • Anyone else looking forward to the new Flash Gordon (Aug 2007) series on SciFi? The mini-series Tin Man (Dec 2007) looks like it could be interesting as well. 

  • Brother and Sister Look at a Plane, originally uploaded by Ezra F. The boy’s face says to me pure joy. Took this a while ago, but I forgot it was still on the data card. I found it while pulling off pictures of the board from the meeting this morning.

  • Brother and Sister Look at a Plane, originally uploaded by Ezra F. The boy’s face says to me pure joy. Took this a while ago, but I forgot it was still on the data card. I found it while pulling off pictures of the board from the meeting this morning.

  • Mozzies

    Hate mosquitoes? You should move along. There are amazingly clear pictures under the link. Mosquito sucking my blood (macros)!: Digital Photography Review: I noticed the mozzies were out this evening so got my FZ50 ready with raynox 250 attached and sat down on the porch. Took only a minute and the first one landed on…

  • NPR : Bosses Do Not Always Make Best Online Pals: The era of social networking Web sites makes it a lot easier to cross the line into friendship with superiors. Lucy Kellaway, a Financial Times columnist, describes the problems with befriending the boss in the real world and online. Kellaway spoke with Renee Montagne. Really……

  • Anyone interesting in co-authoring a book? Freakonomics Blog » The Man Behind Tyler Cowen, and Freakonomics Too: FWIW, I am constantly surprised, and a little bit saddened, that more books aren’t co-authored, especially between academics (who often have great research but subpar writing skills) and writers (who spend their days trying to write well but…

  • Don’t get rid of honors courses, abolish ‘regular’ classes | By Jay Mathews Washington Post Writers Group Published on: 07/23/07 Washington —- The honors course was once a vital part of American high schools, respected by all. That is changing fast, and many students and their parents are upset about it.

  • NPR : Mother and Son Offer Transracial Adoption Insights: Morning Edition, July 23, 2007 · When Judy Stigger and her husband decided to adopt, they chose children who very obviously didn’t look like them. “If you’re a very private person, this is probably very hard to do because people are curious and do ask how…