Author: Ezra S F

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  • So many to cover let me number them. Trillian has been my IM client of choice since their beta. I’ve used Gaim and any number of programs who do multiple IMs from one client but found them lacking. Trillian was even the first software for which I was willing to pay my own money. (Otherwise…

  • Insanity

    . Insanity is doing the same thing, over and over again, but expecting different results. Rita Mae Brown – Wikiquote

  • Is it bad that I smile when I tell people I can’t make it to something because there’s so much to do at work I can’t possibly commit?

  • Orange Moon


    Orange Moon, originally uploaded by Ezra F. Got out of Bourne Ultimatum and saw this to the East. Raced home and climbed up the nearby hill to take some shots.

  • Orange Moon, originally uploaded by Ezra F. Got out of Bourne Ultimatum and saw this to the East. Raced home and climbed up the nearby hill to take some shots.

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  • Discovered in the wild… Your mission if you choose to accept it is to record debug information now. This uninstaller will self-destruct in 10 seconds. 10… 9… 8… 7… 6… 5… 4… 3… 2… 1… …BOOM! Pure awesomeness.

  • Interesting incident with Blackboard Vista last night. The user interface for the server “lost” the default icon sets for the organizer pages. Other icons were not affected so changing to another icon set did not help. A legendary Blackboard support guy happened to take our call. I understand why so many other Bb clients like…