Author: Ezra S F

  • Its football season. With football season come the remarks that I look like Franco Harris. I think they really are saying I am fat big…

  • Someone brought a baby. There are lots of strange noises from women making baby speak. The only thing I understood from all of that was, “Do we have a new employee?” Get ’em started young, I guess. Teach ’em to be good employees before they learn to talk back.

  • Eastern puffy, originally uploaded by Ezra F.

  • VM(Night)Mare

    So, I need to install software on a couple servers which don’t exist. They are virtual: VMWare ESX. I can see and login to the web site. However, its frustrating to consistently get a working console. I get a partial page with “Error on page.” Going to the error reveals: Browser#ResponseReceived(): invalid content type text/html…

  • Cell Phone Madness

    In case you haven’t noticed, I have have a new cell phone. Give me a call if you have my phone number. Actually, if you can find the number, then I’d even more love for you to call. 🙂 If only to congratulate your mad skillz. Back in December I read online Amazon had fantastic…

  • Salivating…  SW: The Force Unleashed. Its been well past time to get a Wii.

  • Results of the rain, originally uploaded by Ezra F.

  • Most Studies Are Wrong

    Science Journal – Statistically speaking, science suffers from an excess of significance. Overeager researchers often tinker too much with the statistical variables of their analysis to coax any meaningful insight from their data sets. “People are messing around with the data to find anything that seems significant, to show they have found something that…

  • Much of what I might write in these posts about Vista is knowledge accumulated from the efforts of my coworkers. This is part two in a series of blog posts on our presentation at BbWorld ’07, on the behalf of the Georgia VIEW project, Maintaining Large Vista Installations (2MB PPT). Part one covered automation of…