Stuart, Texas Hold ‘Em Champ, originally uploaded by Ezra F. My boss’ boss asked me to take this picture because of the Georgia v. Georgia Tech rivalry. I was more than happy to comply since I know seriouslyuguys (GT) from years ago. Great job, Stu!
Index of posts: RE 2007: GeorgiaVIEW Meeting (Pre-Conference) RE 2007: Birds of Feather: GeorgiaVIEW Vista RE 2007: Top Ten Disruptive Trends RE 2007: Birds of a Feather: Luminis RE 2007: Administering Sakai RE 2007: GeorgiaVIEW Vista File and Content Sharing RE 2007: USG Digital Content Repositories: Resources to Share After this point, I got wrapped…
Digital Library of Georgia 60 different libraries and content providers digitizing content, available in various browsing and search options really impressive historical record widely dispersed Civil Rights Digital Library 65 institutions web access to 25 hours of news photage. Alternative Media Access Center Some publishers 9 times out of 10 provide an electronic copy. In…
Harold Powers, Georgia State University Template Copy files in File Manager Learning Module – Only content pages and assessments are exported in a learning module. Other tools such as discussion, chat, urls, etc. are not exported.
Kathy Kral, University of West Georgia Luminis IV CPIP connector: Clayton, Augusta, West GA. Issues with IMS when allowing IMAP from outside the Luminis application? VSU no issues with IMAP and POP allowed outside. Augusta initially restricted but opened up access without advertisement. Mention on one of email lists Blackberries fail to do a close…
. Wimba has a PowerLink (version 1.5) for their version 5.0 to work with Vista 3. First look for USG admins look at Vista 4.2.3. Anyone remember WebCT CE? Definitely a period of time Vista 3 and 4 are both in production. (Ref)