Steel, originally uploaded by Ezra F. …aka John Henry Irons My Christmas present from Brian If you ever get a chance to pick up The Death of Superman (there is a graphic novel / aggregation of the comic issues involved), its a pretty good story arc. It happens I was collecting at the time of…
I love the creativity in lawyers copyrighting their take down notices. tag: lawyers, copyright
ThinkGeek T-Shirts FTW, originally uploaded by Ezra F. I can’t believe I didn’t blog this one. Of course, the one is “I’m blogging this.” 🙂
Natural Design, originally uploaded by Ezra F.
Blackboard Vista 3 (also 4 and CE 6) – You change your role in a section and get the error below. What do you do? Error: You do not have access to this Learning Context Solution: Log out and log in again. This inconsistently happens after an institutional administrator changes roles for their own account.…
What is the American fascination with Tutankhamun? Personally, I favor Ramses II. Actually, Ramses II was one of my first obsessions. I knew everything there was to know about him at seven years old. Decades later, I’ve forgotten most of what I knew. We share the phoneme “Ra”. Ra was an Egyptian sun god probably…
Yeah, I keep writing about identity management. [1][2]. Few Internet users say they Google themselves regularly – about three-quarters of self-searchers say they have done so only once or twice. Study: Googling Oneself Is More Popular People admit to having looked themselves up once or twice, but few people regularly monitor themselves. I guess its…
Is the Internet really a bad invention? According to Doris Lessing, yes. We are in a fragmenting culture, where our certainties of even a few decades ago are questioned and where it is common for young men and women, who have had years of education, to know nothing of the world, to have read nothing,…
Its funny. Apparently its time consuming for companies to conduct brand analysis (just know what is being said about them). So a niche has been filled by Scout Labs and others. (Hopefully Scout is paying attention and is reading this. Maybe Umbria will also comment their product is better. :D) On the one hand, I…