Something brought up my abandoned Friendster blog, which had a link to fiftymillimeter which used to be my favorite photography site by people in Athens prior to me even moving here. Why “used to be”? Well over a year ago, they stopped posting to the site. Sad, I know. Still, I was curious, Where are…
Washington, DC on $85 a Day, originally uploaded by Musely. This is an awesome idea and execution.
Huh… Off Summize… back in the day, the Olympics would mean a pause in war… someone needs to tell Russia and Georgia 🙁 Kathleen Danielson Who would tell Russia and Georgia? The world leaders, include President George W. Bush, were all at the Olympics Games opening ceremony when the fighting started. Bush has called “for…
On the WebCT Users email list (hosted by Blackboard) there is a discussion about a mysterious directory called unmarshall which suddenly appeared. We found it under similar circumstances as others by investigating why a node consumed so much disk space. Failed command-line restores end up in this unmarshall directory. Unmarshalling in Java jargon means: converting…
When you think of “rhetoric”, do you think of… using language effectively to please or persuade or loud and confused and empty talk When I originally went with rhetoric in the blog name years ago, I was thinking with the latter to fall in with the already loud ones. Somewhere along the journey, I switched…
I guess it depends on who you ask. Well, the CIO’s thought they were most effective as classic IT-support providers. That’s basically putting PC’s on desktops. But their managers thought that CIO’s were most effective in explaining and determining the college’s technology course into the future. Managers really want their CIO’s to be “informaticists.†Wayne…