OK, the year is completely done, so here is where I am with each resolution.

- Read 52 books. The goal was 52. I read 70. My Goodreads user challenge. Looking at pages, I managed to read 19,669 compared to an average of 21,815 for the prior four years. So while the number of books is good, they were lighter. (I think my bar was highest with something like 33,000 in a 9 month window in 8th grade, so I could do much better.) SUCCEEDED.
- Read at least 50% by female authors. Of the 70 books read, 49 are by female authors, so I am on well above with 70%. There at the end, it slid by 5%. (4 by males in the first quarter, 2 in the 2nd, 6 in the 3rd, and 6 in the 4th. So I started off strong but trailed off once it was clear the goal was in hand.) SUCCEEDED.
- Weightlifting:
- Bench 185 pounds (1RM equivalent). My best during the past month or so is 192.5 1RM. SUCCEEDED.
- Squat 245 pounds (1RM eq). My best during the past month of so is 250.83.  SUCCEEDED.
- Deadlift 300 pounds (1RM eq). My best during the past month of so is 289.83. FAILED. I started at 151.66 about 3 months in and improved by 138.
- Drop to about 15% body fat. No progress. A monitor thingy says 24.7% which is down from calipers saying the suprailiac is 25.6%. FAILED.
- Bring HIIT up to about 50-50. No progress. FAILED. I did not put enough priority on as I thought I would in setting the goal.
- Take a trip at least 300 miles away from home. Completed first quarter with a trip to Amelia Island and Jekyll Island. And a second trip to Mexico Beach at 378 miles. SUCCEEDED.
- Declutter Part II. No progress. FAILED.
Resolution Conclusions
On the whole, there were more resolution successes than failures. Of the failures, the deadlift resolution was 6.7% shy which at the rate of 11.5 improvement a month, I might hit the mark in another month. According to my trainer, deadlift is my most disadvantaged lift because I am so tall. So, the resolution might have been too ambitious despite choosing something lower than 305 off that random blog that inspired the resolution.
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