
I may have blogger’s block.

Over the past three weeks I have deleted thirteen posts. I really want to blog about our new vendor, Desire2Learn. At the same time I do not want to be perceived as hurting the growing relationship we have with this company. None of the posts are about them. I just sense a negative tone in them that is… well… inappropriate. I don’t think you want to read it anymore than I want to publish it.

3 responses to “Deletions”

  1. Dan McGinn-Combs Avatar
    Dan McGinn-Combs

    You are simply amazing.

    No one I know can blog about not blogging with such aplomb. Color me “not worthy.”

  2. Carlos Avatar

    IF it’s a sincere criticism of the vendor I don’t see why people wouldn’t want to read it. I would love to

    1. Ezra S F Avatar

      I do not feel good when I say bad things about people. (Corporations are apparently people now.) It is bad enough when I say them person-to-person. Putting them down in writing, especially on the Internet is much worse.

      (Also, I checked Google Analytics. I do get hits from the Desire2Learn network when I mention them on this blog. So I do not want to get a reputation as someone trashing them.)

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