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- Making this easy: LMS Evaluations — Laura makes a good point that a product selection is more about identifying something that fits your institution’s culture. If it does not fit, then somethinge has to bend or break: a corporation who has other clients who picked the company who fit, a open source group whose members voluntarily joined, or the college who made the mistake of picking the wrong product.
- — new site where you vouch for others by tagging them for their skills, knowledge, or experience.
- Soulpancacke: Heart Attack
- Science, Software Carpentry, and the Discipline to Hack — how can regular people become developers?
- Why we pick bad leaders, and how to spot the good ones — “These seven leadership attributes — integrity, vision, judgment, passion, courage, empathy and emotional intelligence— are all the hallmarks of great leaders, regardless of industry or geography. By gearing any candidate assessment towards these traits — and away from false predictors of success, like a sparkling personality, a polished resume, or good interview skills — you will be one big step ahead of the rest of the crowd who are still scratching their heads wondering why they are so bad at picking good leaders.”
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