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- Why I believe in technology – Chronicle for Higher Education: Casting Out Nines
Years ago, my cousin and her husband brought her first born to my grandmother’s house. They took photos and uploaded them to be printed in an hour at Walgreens. These photos would center in my grandmother’s conversations for years. Dozens of other photos were sent in the years after, but these photos triggered something special. Technology has the opportunity to do great and special things.
- The Truth About Tablets: Educators are getting iPads and ereaders into students’ hands—but it’s not easy – The Digital Shift
“These are the top five issues libraries face when it comes to using ereaders and tablets in school.
1) Platform lock-in and lack of interoperability
2) Administering devices
3) Availability of the titles students and teachers want
4) Integration of the ebook catalog with the library catalog
5) Cost of both devices and ebook”
- Do Students Have Copyright to Their Own Notes? – MindShift
Apparently some professors believe their lectures are their intellectual property, so students can only use the notes from them for personal use. Sharing and especially selling those notes violates that IP.
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