Bror Saxberg is a thought leader in the field of learning science, cognitive science and artificial intelligence. As the Chief Learning Officer at Kaplan, Inc., Bror is responsible for the research and development of innovative learning strategies, technologies and products across the Company’s full range of educational services offerings. He also oversees future developments and adoptions of innovative learning technologies and maintains consistent academic standards for Kaplan’s products and courses.

Saxberg goes through various myths about expert minds.

    1. You are the voice in your head. Most of “you” cannot talk–but it is very busy.
    2. Experts just know more “stuff”. Experts become pre-wired to process “stuff” fast.
    3. Talent drives success. Work drives “talent”; work drives success.

Experts subconsciously process vast amounts of data and quickly throw away the chaff. Only people incredibly passionate willing the spend the tedious amount of time to become an expert. “The question you have to ask is: why do you not have the passion to devote 10,000 hours to this?”

Building a better learning environment:

What if we did it better?

Better system characteristics:

    • Competency-based, not time based
    • One level’s success drives the next
    • Flexible schedules match complex lives
    • On-line and off-line tools in synch
    • At-home and in-school matching work
    • Practice and assessments merged
    • Data analytics and reports in place
    • Ties from researchers  to practitioners

I was really impressed he said practice is more important than assessment. Practice is how one refines skills.


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