The upgrade to WordPress 3.0 doesn’t appear to have broken anything? Good.
It pointed out my Tarski theme was a point revision behind. That has also been upgraded. No apparent problems.
No need to go mess with code. That makes me verrrry happy.
The upgrade to WordPress 3.0 doesn’t appear to have broken anything? Good.
It pointed out my Tarski theme was a point revision behind. That has also been upgraded. No apparent problems.
No need to go mess with code. That makes me verrrry happy.
Some of you may have seen a maintenance message. Turns out that was due to upgrading all my out of date themes. One of them encountered an error.
After a few minutes, I looked up the error and found advice on how to remove “Briefly unavailable for scheduled maintenance. Check back in a minuteâ€. WordPress still claims to be version 3 and the themes I attempted to upgraded didn’t, so I’m 99% sure the themes are what failed. Retry on just the first one resulted in a new error.
An error occured while updating Barthelme: Incompatible Archive. PCLZIP_ERR_BAD_FORMAT (-10) : Unable to find End of Central Dir Record signature
Disabling Maintenance mode…
I guess in trying to do many WordPress didn’t handle disabling maintenance mode?
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