So I scanned some baby pictures I found for posting on Flickr. I noticed the memory gage on Corsair (I’m a geek, I name my computers) was near full, so rather than deal with swapping, I clicked the Close button on iTunes. It reclaimed about 1/3 my memory usage which is exactly what I wanted. After posting the pictures, editing the tags on some other scanned pictures so I could more easily find them, and researching something to clarify a comment toastforbrekkie made months ago, I was reading my RSS feeds. Suddenly it hit me….

Music was playing? But, but, but I closed iTunes. Looking through the items in the task bar, it was indeed not present. I opened up the Task Manager and sure enough it was still there with a smaller memory profile. So I killed it.

Somehow it was active enough to play but not have a visible UI. Can I get that normally? Its not like I do much changing around what is playing anyway.

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