Who's your favorite movie villain?
Until Lucas screwed up my continuity, I'd have said Darth Vader hands down was my favorite villain. Since, my world has been in a cloud of uncertainty. Certainly, adding idiot kid and annoying teen to the lightsaber slashing machine made me lose my respect.
Verg from Blue Submarine No. 6? Dr. Albert W. Wily? Xenia Onatopp? Ming the Merciless? Darkseid? Morgan le Fay? Shere Khan from Tale Spin (or the most villainous creature on which he is based in The Jungle Book)? The Joker? Mr. Burns? Bowser? Mumm-Ra? HAL 9000? Circe? No-Face from Spirited Away? Princess Kushana from Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind? The Scarecrow? Captain Hook? Dark Helmet? Two-Face? Jabba the Hutt? Mara Jade (before she married Luke and became a Skywalker)? Agent Smith? Master Control Program? The Beast from Krull? Ganon? Bill from Kill Bill? The White Witch? Bane? Lex Luthor? Lobo? Mandarin? Juggernaut? Lady Deathstrike? The Shredder, Rocksteady, or Bebop? Irina Derevko? The Cylons? Megabyte? Megatron? Zartan? Claudius from "Hamlet"?
Oooh! Wario! Wait… no, I just like to play as Wario.
Here, I think I will go back to my childhood. Khan Noonien Singh
"I've done far worse than kill you admiral, I've hurt you. And I wish to go on hurting you. I shall leave you as you left me – as you left her – marooned for all eternity at the center of a dead planet. Buried alive. Buried alive." – Khan, to Kirk
another quote:
"From Hell's heart, I stab at thee… For hate's sake, I spit my last breath at thee…" – Khan's last words
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