As Dvorak points out, BitTorrent is the largest single protocol. The Web’s HTTP barely counts compared to BitTorrent and the other P2P protocols. That’s a heck of a lot of traffic—as any network administrator knows—and having it increased with crapware is not good news.
In addition, some anti-virus and anti-spyware programs don’t look at Torrents for trouble. That means even users who are bright enough to run programs like those are still in danger of having junk delivered to their computer. That’s a problem.
The real problem is that now BitTorrent, like e-mail, the Web, and soon, I’m sure, IM, is being used to deliver malware.There Is No Conspiracy Against BitTorrent
Perhaps there is a conspiracy within Microsoft to pollute every standard ever made?
Microsoft also said it had created some new extensions to the RSS format, which will be available for content publishers to use under the Creative Commons licence.
Microsoft makes web feeds easier
C’mon, people!! Your Pseduo-HTML created by people clicking on “Save as Web Page” drives people batty attempting to figure out why it does not work. Why does it not work? Because web browsers often cannot read parts. Why can they not read parts? Because it is not HTML!