Email Postage

Every once in a while, the idea of email postage crops up. Every time I recall the chainletter from the late 90s from people terrified that maybe the Internet will no longer be free because the Post Office was going to take it over and charge as much per email as letters.

Now, the idea is back as a solution to spam. Have reard rumblings about this being the solution for a couple years. As spam has gotten more and more prevalent, more drastic solutions will have to be taken.

Will need some new clients, servers, and network devices to make this work. Perhaps that is why Microsoft is now a proponent?

Preserved comments:

  • Spam is annoying, but it’s not the end of the universe.  There is a reason we have a delete button.  Just use it, get over it.  That’s what I say.
    Posted 2/9/2004 5:17 PM by anonymous
  • I used to spend 4 hours every Monday morning sifting through email sent over the weekend. Installed and configured SpamBayes. Now I spend less than an hour.

    Posted 2/10/2004 9:37 AM by sneezypb

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