Checklists are a necessary complication to simplify overly complicated processes. This past week I have created 2. There are usually about 5-7 different places that have to be checked. Invariably, I miss one item as it takes 5-10 minutes to do all this. Something always interrupts.
Deaprtment Web Site Tech Change Checklist is for every time a site changes the person responsble for updating it, we (really I) have to make sure that the appropriate permissions and scripts are updated.
Web Site Location Update Checklist is for every time a site changes its address, we have to change the various files which have links to the page. We also identify who links to the old location and let them know this place no longer exists.
Probably this is an early symptom of my grandmother’s dementia? Guess the better I learn to handle it now, the better shape I’ll be in for old age.
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