
Apparently, I am not very accessible. I knew this, but did not deem it very important.

Actually, while I am at work, I am extremely accessible. People always know where I am and how to get in touch with me. When I go home I drop off the face of the planet. Only people who know my haunts and are willing to take the hours to drive all over town in search of me can successfully track me down.

Phones? Useless. They are usually turned off or another part of the house where I can’t hear them.

Knocking on the door? Useless. One has to knock on the window of the room I am in. Probably should get a cell phone again. Though I never really leave it on, so what is the use?

Actually, yesterday was the one time I actually left a door open in the house and heard someone knocking. Fate?


3 responses to “Accessibility”

  1. Marzy Avatar

    Being inaccesable is comforting…to me anyway. Everybody needs a bit of space now and then. I’m to the point I never answer the phone anymore. Email is the quickest way to reach me.

  2. Synisterchyck Avatar

    you probably just don’t want to be found. I wish I was more inaccesable esp at 7 in the morning when my shrimpes drag me out of bed. apparently you have to feed them every day… several times a day.

  3. riottgyrrrl Avatar

    that’s why I don’t have a pager or cellphone..sometimes I just like time by myself with out interuptions.

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