
Damn, I get a ton of offers to join personals sites. What is up with that?

Stress is getting to me, I think. Have become more introspective lately because there is just so much going on right now over which I don’t have a firm control. Suddenly extremely empathetic with EEL. Have been before, but based on past experiences. I am fighting back and fighting hard. Think my problems are a little blown out of proportion so with enough effort I can come through relatively unscathed.

Saw Signs yesterday. Thought it was pretty good. The theatre here showed their incompetance again by not centering the projection correctly so the audience saw the boom mike over an over. It’s not my favorite Shyamalan movie, but I enjoyed it.

Why is it called the “high-tech” industry? One guess.

Time to go do other stuff… take my mind off work and anything serious.

Oooohhh… Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back sounds good right about now. Maybe K-19 first. Gotta see a bad movie to place a Kevin Smith one in perspective.

{UPDATE} Saw K-19 and was not disappointed. Very cheesy. Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back was great again. Watched it again with the commentary and delved through all of the deleted scenes, documentaries, and TV specials. Think it was one of the few DVDs worth the price.


3 responses to “Signs”

  1. LuckyStars Avatar

    Thanks for the heads up on the Southern Dating guide manual. Nice to know I’d be a keeper. Of course…with a grandmother named Ada Mae, it would only stand to reason.

    My daughter went to see Signs last night. She loved it. Said it was “done” well enough that you don’t have to see it twice… I would probably have to see it twice…it’s all about Mel, y’know.

    Have a great weekend…!

  2. AbbyNormal Avatar

    What did you go see?

  3. Synisterchyck Avatar

    *snicker the boom mike is NOT suposed to even be in the final print. I know at my job we can’t do anything about centering other then making sure all of the frame ends up on the screen our equipment is all older then god (you know her as alanis) the boom mike issue is an editing problem.

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