
Found this Friday. Someone has too much time to do Monty Python and the Holy Grail in LEGOs. Impress all the same.

Saw Harry Potter Saturday. Thought the movie was pretty good. I’ve read some of the reviews and think some people need to get off the idea that the written word is canon. Movies are a visual and auditory presentation of stories. Books are a written presentation if stories. Both have their advantages and disadvantages. Many of the books I have read are great for reading, but would put me to sleep as a movie because the development of the story is too long (nevermind it would be over 6 hours). Many of the movies I have seen would make very poor books because there is not enough plot development to support a book.

Saw K-PAX yesterday. Thought it was okay. It has an interesting story if a little too obvious in the direction it was headed. Joe didn’t even tell me about one of the most important developments in the plot. I saw it coming 1/2 way through the movie.

Stoked about Spy Game (Tony Scott directing), Ocean’s 11(Steven Soderbergh directing), Ali. Of course, The Fellowship of the Ring has me trembling in anticipation and counting the days (30). I don’t even know how many days are until Thanksgiving, Christmas, Ayyam-i-hah, or my birthday.

Made some consistency changes to the Fountain of Knowledge. Made a footer and dropped in all the items I wanted added. Found out how to make a server-side include to the current document for the last modified date (which is part of the server-side include applied footer).Free shipping on orders over $99 at Amazon.

Have found something Dreamweavers sux at doing. For some reason the program has a problem uploading files as ASCII instead of Binary. What’s up with that? It has a file to designate which files are ASCII and which are Binary.

It appears that webloggers are the new medium of choice to increase one’s reputation. Web sites must court us to increase their reputations. They must provide those services we deem important to get us to link to them as a source. The Article: Of Google, Amazon and Weblogs: reputation management evolves.


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