Got one of these at work… P4 1.3 GHz, 256 MB RAM, 20 GB hard drive. Hoping to get an internal CD-RW for it. Will have to attach the SCSI scanner and USB Zip to it.

Prolly will have to rebuild from scratch again. Means I will have to wait until things settle down.

Problems with WebCT. Grades getting lost… Availability settings failing… too much of a pain.

UPDATE 10-APR-2010: Think the computer was a “Compaq Deskpro EX Desktop PC P1.3GHz”? Mentioned a Deskpro in another post which I recognized as being a Compaq model.

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Looks like I am going to a conference in October. Looks to be fun. Lots of people from around here are going.

UPDATE 10-APR-2010: The conference would be the OIIT Annual Computing Conference at Rock Eagle.

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Got an email from another dear friend which has been long off my radar. When it rains it pours, huh? Over the last couple weeks I’ve gotten email and run into people I have not heard from in months. Kinda cool.

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Installed IE 6… so far no problems. Stay tuned because I will be sure to send gripes up to M$ over every problem.

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I have a new favorite feature… When you hover over an image, IE 6 pops up a menu to allow you to save, print, or email the picture.

Web image protectionists have a new enemy… IE 6! Why disable the right mouse button when the act of hovering over an image is even worse?

One response to “IE6”

  1. Lacey Avatar

    Which conference are you going to? I think I might be delegated to go to the C4 conference in Raleigh next month. Wheee!

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